Expected Outputs

Significant progress in basic research. Based on the analysis of the current clinical situation, the following clinical obstacles have been defined and will be solved: (i) accurate diagnosis and continuous monitoring of head growth in the fetal-neonatal period; (ii) individualized preventive approaches; and (iii) personalized therapies. The project will provide significant technological advancement to improve the current clinical practice: 3D clinical evaluation, automatic diagnosis tools, AI-assisted medical data acquisition, continuous patient monitoring, improved therapeutics using smart and personalized solutions and novel preventive therapeutic options. The straight and close collaboration between experts in the technical and clinical fields will enrich the entire project and ensure translation from bench to bedside.

Bidirectional translation of results is ensured. The abovementioned applied research methodology ensures a direct translation of clinical problems into a technical research setting but also immediate testing of technical solutions in a clinical setting.

Joint statement paper of parent/patient organization is available. General opinion of parents – as advocates of the preterm infants – regarding the routine usage of clinical data and the application of smart materials is discussed with scientists and regulatory authorities at a very early time point of product development.

Long term morbidity can be prevented by establishing that innovative tool. There is an overall agreement in the neonatal community that new approaches are required to overcome health problems originating in the feto-neonatal period. However, medical companies do not have explored this market yet. In contrast to many previous programs targeting a disease after the presentation or disease of the adult population, my-nEUro-growth uses a preventive approach by focusing on diseases that originate in the feto-neonatal period. Thus, the project is in accordance with the European Regulation No 1901/2006 requesting more efforts in developing interventions specific for diseases in children.

Improvement on head growth knowledge during the feto-neonatal period. Currently little is known regarding physiological growth and the impact of different parameters. Thus, no appropriate preventive or therapeutic strategies for impaired head growth are available. my-nEUro-growth will significantly enhance the understanding of normal head growth. By providing percentiles and growth trajectories assisted with AI, a quick translation of results into clinical routine care is ensured.

The basis for a European SME is laid. In order to translate results of my-nEUro-growth into routine clinical care, it is the aim to establish a European SME which will strengthen the leading position of Europe in diagnoses software, intelligent monitoring systems, preventive and orthosis therapy. Besides the described solution, the SME will also develop products for other indications in neonates and will thus ensure employment in Europe.